Thank you SFL and a big thank you to our newest rolled gold fuckwit traitors SCO Mo no go. Ja 3 15 222014 22:45:30 9302013 NH-New Hampshire Manchester NEW Hampshire State police Wendy Lawrence 45 woman white not of Hispanic or Latino Origin 11 killed unarmed unknown Trooper-Chad Lavoie Ja 2 16 222014 22:4:14 10252013 or-Oregon Washington County Hillsboro Hillsboro Police Department Victor Torres-Elizondo 30 male unknown unknown 6 killed the armed gun traffic stop. While Dredd works against Ma-MA she calls in corrupt judges Lex Kaplan Chan and Alvarez. 1563 932014 10:04:41 9202011 New-New York Suffolk Selden Suffolk County Police Department Kevin John Callahan 26 man white unknown 3 killed unarmed unarmed police responded to a 911 domestic call and as police came into the room the door was suddenly closed captive One of the officers in the room with the gun is drawn.

OH BROTHER HOUSTON CHRON Warning: She has a history of changing her name and social and starting fresh and at least two departments have been conned by her yegods shes probably out there somewhere.